Allied Academies

Cancer Genetics and Genomics

Cancer Genetics and Genomics

Cancer genetics and genomics is a field of study that focuses on understanding the genetic and genomic changes that occur in cancer cells. These changes can lead to the development and progression of cancer, and studying them can provide insights into how cancer develops, how it can be diagnosed, and how it can be treated.

Researchers in cancer genetics and genomics study various aspects of cancer genetics, including mutations in genes that can lead to cancer development, the interaction between genes and environmental factors, and the identification of new targets for cancer therapies.

One important area of cancer genetics and genomics is the study of cancer predisposition genes. These are genes that, when mutated, increase an individual's risk of developing certain types of cancer. By identifying individuals who carry mutations in these genes, doctors can develop screening and prevention strategies to help detect and prevent cancer at an early stage.

Another important area of research in cancer genetics and genomics is the use of genomic sequencing to identify the specific genetic mutations that are driving a patient's cancer. This information can help doctors select the most effective treatments and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique genetic makeup.

  • Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in cancer
  • Tumour heterogeneity and clonal evolution
  • On co-genomics
  • Cancer stem cells
  • Non-coding RNAs and cancer
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